Difference: TablePlugin (16 vs. 17)

Revision 172003-05-03 - PeterThoeny

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Table Plugin

Gives extra control of table display:

Line: 50 to 50
Argument Comment Example
sort Set table sorting on or off sort="on"
initsort Column to sort initially (1 to number of columns) initsort="2"
initdirection Initial sorting direction for initsort, set to up or down initsort="down"
initdirection Initial sorting direction for initsort, set to up or down initdirection="up"
headerbg Header cell background colour. Choose one of the StandardColors headerbg="#99CCCC"
headercolor Header cell text colour headercolor="#0000CC"
databg Data cell background colour, a comma separated list. Specify "none" for no colour, that is to use the colour/background of the page the table is on. databg="#C8CB8F, #DBDDB5"
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