#VarEXECUTE ---+++ EXECUTE{ "script" } -- safely execute shell scripts or Perl code - use TWiki as the user interface for external applications * Use the =%<nop>EXECUTE{}%= variable to safely execute shell scripts. The variable is handled by the ExecutePlugin - see plugin for details on how to configure external scripts so that they can be used in =%<nop>EXECUTE{}%=. * Syntax: =%<nop>EXECUTE{ "script" ... }%= * Supported parameters:%STARTSECTION{"parameters"}% | *Parameter* | *Explanation* | *Default* | *Example* | | ="name"= | Name of script to execute, as defined in [[%SCRIPTURL{configure}%][configure]]. %IF{ "'%INCLUDINGTOPIC%'='ExecutePlugin'" else="See ExecutePlugin for details." }% | (none) | ="test-results"= | | =format="..."= | Format each line of the script output. The token =$text= expands to the text of a line. Additional %SYSTEMWEB%.FormatTokens can be used, such as =$percnt= for the percent sign. | ="$text"= | <span style="white-space: nowrap;"> =format="| $text |"= </span> | | =newline="..."= | Change newlines of the script output to something else. %SYSTEMWEB%.FormatTokens can be used, such as =$n= for newline. | ="$n"= | =newline=", "= | | =...="..."= | Any other parameter can be used as parameter to the script. | (none) | =date="%SERVERTIME{$year-$mo-$day}%"= |%ENDSECTION{"parameters"}% * Example: =%<nop>EXECUTE{ "qa_results" date="%<nop>URLPARAM{date}%" }%= * Category: ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables, DatabaseAndFormsVariables, DevelopmentVariables, ImportVariables, UIAndVisualizationVariables, WorkflowAndAutomationVariables * Related: ExecutePlugin, [[%SCRIPTURL{configure}%][configure]]
This topic: TWiki
Topic revision: r1 - 2024-03-02 - TWikiAdminUser
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